Classes & Courses

Ongoing classes taught by Dr. Kenneth Lossing can be found through the American Osteopathic Association.

Click here for Continuing Medical Education (CME) Opportunities. 

2025 Class is scheduled for August 8-10

The Cranial Approach of Beryl Arbuckle -
San Rafael CA

PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT an AAO course. Do not contact them regarding this course.

For info or to register: email or call 415.454.8979/415.419.6222


Kenneth Lossing, D.O. has recreated this course based on his studies with Robert Fulford, and interviewing a number of other Arbuckle students.

Beryl Arbuckle was one of the first students of William Garner Sutherland, and was on his teaching staff in the early days of teaching. At that time, observation, palpation, and motion testing made the diagnosis. She was keenly interested in anatomy, and was able to attend over 200 pediatric neurological autopsies. She observed that the dura had regularly arranged fibers in the areas where she found strain patterns, which she called “Stress Bands”. This expands the specificity of the reciprocal tension membrane from the falx and tent, to over 20 specific fiber directions. The German Embryologist Erich Blechschmidt found about 50% of the same fibers. The stress bands are used in diagnosis, can be treated directly, and can also be used as handles to treat the bones and sutures and to unlock the head.

Another one of the early Sutherland students, Robert Fulford DO, found that he had difficulty in reproducing the treatment response that Sutherland produced, although he was able to do the techniques properly. He noticed that often the treatment response in Sutherland’s patients was a huge shift in the sympathetic nervous system, creating a sweating response, but he was unable to reproduce this. He noticed that Arbuckle often got the same response, so he went and studied with her.

Dr. Arbuckle also observed that the cranial bones were thicker in some places, which she call “Buttresses”. She used the buttresses in both diagnosis and treatment, which adds a deeper level of specificity to the sutures and reciprocal tension membrane, and expands and integrates the evaluation of the skull.

Dr. Arbuckle also used reflexogenic points along the spine to treat the viscera, known as Chapman’s points, on nearly every patient.

Topics covered are: History, unlocking early diagnostic sequence, the boney keystone, sacrum simplified, SBS patterns, buttresses, the vault, fontanels, sutures, embryology, stress bands, and Chapman’s points.

Class limited to 20 participants

Dates: August 8-10, 2025

Table Trainer: Margret Klein, O.A.

This course is in process to be sponsored by the Northern California Chapter of the American Academy of Osteopathy. 22.5 hours of Category 1-A CME Anticipated.

Course Tuition: $1300 (credit card/check) by February 1, 2025

$1400 (credit card/check) after Feb 1, 2025

Cancellation Policy:

All cancellations must be received in writing on or before June 8, 2025

Refunds will not be made after June 8, 2025 or for failure to attend.


Course to be held at 1748 Lincoln Ave. San Rafael, CA 94901


Closest airports are San Francisco and Oakland.

Lodging suggestions: Airbnb, VRBO,, Best Western Corte Madera Inn is about 6 min or 4.7 miles away (reservations: 415-924-1502).


Friday August 8, 2025

8:00-8:45 am registration

9-10:30 Intro and History

10:30-11 Small group discussion

11-1 Lecture/lab: Diagnosis & sequence

1-2 Lunch

2-3:30 Lecture/lab: Locked sutures

3:30-4 Small group discussion

4-6 Lecture/lab: Embryology and stress bands

6 Head check and adjourn

Saturday August 9, 2025

9-10:30 Lecture/lab: embryology, stress bands

10:30-11 Small group discussion

11-1 Lecture/lab: Stress bands

1-2 Lunch

2-3:30 Lecture/lab: Occipital condyles

3:30-4 Small group discussion

4-6 Lecture/lab: Buttresses

6 Head check and adjourn

Sunday August 10, 2025

9-10:30 Lecture/lab: stress bands

10:30-11 Small group discussion

11-1 Lecture/lab: Chapman's points

1-3 Lecture/lab: Pulling together stress bands, buttresses, SBS patterns, and sutures

FOR INFO OR TO REGISTER, email: or by phone 415.454.8979/415.419.6222